Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Blog Building


I have been dotting my i's and crossing my t's. I contacted people in alternative lifestyles and asked it I could use their wisdom if/when I get into some area I probably shouldn't. I have been reading crap-tons, I have ideas committed to paper and swag... oh I have swag for the one or two folks out there who follow this blog.  Okay, first actual post of this unpublished writer...

I have finished Deciphering the Bloom. I mean it's been done, yeah, but I promised an epilogue. Well, epilogue with the wedding in Argentina is not happening. Nope. Can't do it. I have tried. Really. But Hilaria is Toba Indian. The trip to Argentina was to highlight that fact, then I do more research into the lives of the Toba in Rosario and I was horrified. I will not go into the details, but these people are starving to death in Chaco, and live on the margins of the city. I cannot, I will not ignore that as I write the Argentina trip detail, but not the backdrop for a wedding.  Think of it as delayed, not cancelled.

I have another story called Disparate Mercies. I think the first chapter may be considered too dark. It is actually the background story to a detective character. We often read and wonder what formed certain characters  (I always do) and this is his background. I'm working on the meat of it and will post. 

There are many other stories, the Tending series, Deciphering the Bloom was book one. Oh, once a month I'm gonna post a chapter here only, sci-fi, but as with the best fiction it's ultimately about the relationships. I am gonna end this first real entry. I managed not to touch any taboo topics. Yay me!